Who Can Participate?

Duke Pauli with Field Scanner


My time in the Research Leadership Institute provided me invaluable experience in developing my strategic planning ability to better position my research program for continued growth and funding opportunities.” 

—Duke Pauli, ’22-‘23 RLI Fellow from the School of Plant Sciences



RLI participants fulfill the following requirements:

  • Are tenured or tenure-eligible faculty members. Preference is given to faculty within one year of submitting their tenure package and five years of tenure award. 
  • Demonstrate leadership potential in team-based research and scholarship.
  • Have already submitted proposals for funding to at least two sponsors. 
  • Exhibit commitment to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the classroom and in research efforts.
  • Are able to commit to attending all RLI sessions for their complete duration.
  • Are recommended by their academic dean.


  1. Contact your Dean or Associate/Assistant Dean for Research or Faculty Affairs for research in your college. 
  2. Contact Kim Patten, Associate Vice President for Research Development, kjpatten@arizona.edu


Matt Williams at work


“The Research Leadership Institute has been a game-changer for me. The opportunity to meet and learn alongside accomplished colleagues across campus has given me fresh perspective on the research landscape and confidence to move forward in pursuing more ambitious work.” 

—Matt Williams, ’22-‘23 RLI Fellow from Fred Fox School of Music